Beaver Valley Chiefs of Police has 114 members from more than 36 communities within Beaver County.
Our members include:
Chiefs of Police
Assistant Chiefs of Police
Lieutenants of Police
Life Members, Associate Members, and Honorary Members
Our membership also includes:
District Attorney and First Assistant District Attorney of Beaver County
Chief County Detective
Sheriff and Chief Deputy Sheriff of Beaver County
Coroner and Chief Deputy Coroner
Court Administrator
Chief of Adult Probation and Chief of Juvenile Probation
Commanding Officer of the Pennsylvania State Police, Beaver Station
Resident agents of the FBI assigned to Beaver County
Warden of Beaver County Jail
Director and Deputy Director of Beaver County Emergency Services Center
Representatives of the Fish Commission and Game Commission in Beaver County
Chief DCNR Ranger
College Director of Public Safety or Chief of Campus Security
Commanding Officer of an Industrial Police Force
Director of the Act 120 Academy located in Beaver County
Chief Eric Hermick
Chippewa Township Police Department
Retired Captain Douglas Edgell
Aliquippa Police Department
Front Row (left to right): Robert Heberle (Sgt. at Arms), Steve Roberts (Chaplain), Sherri Hurst (Esq. Solicitor Bowers, Fawcett & Hurst LLC, Association law firm), Robert Baron (Liaison to BVCPA), Eric Hermick (President), Tony Guy (Executive Board member).
Back Row (left to right): Michael Pszenny, Timothy Staub, Brian Jameson (Executive Board member), Robert Grimm (Secretary), Kevin Whipple (Treasurer), Douglas Edgell (Vice-President)
Missing from photo: John DeLuca, Jr. (Chairman, Executive Board).
Attorney Sherri Hurst
Bowers, Fawcett, & Hurst LLC